Çerez Örnek



Department of Mathematics was established in 1961 as an independent department within the Faculty of Science. The Department of Mathematics consists of three options; In 1973, Theoretical Mathematics Weighted Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Weighted Math Options, then Computer Science Weighted Mathematics option was created. The Department of Mathematics consists of seven sub-departments since 1982.


1. Algebra and Number Theory.

2. Geometry.

3. Theory of Analysis and Functions

4. Topology.

5. Fundamentals of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic.

6. Applied Mathematics

7. Computer Science


Qualification Awarded

Students who successfully complete the courses in the department are awarded with a bachelor's degree in Mathematics.


Admission and Registration Requirements

High School diploma and ÖSYM exam results to be eligible to register for our department.


Rules for Recognition of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Exemption exam is held for courses such as Computer and English which are included in the Mathematics Department's curriculum. Students who think that these courses provide the expected learning outcomes have the right to take the exams. Students who pass the exam are exempted from the related course.


Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Undergraduate: Students who have successfully completed all courses in the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS) and have at least a 2.0 GPA out of 4.00 are awarded with a bachelor's degree.


Master's Degree: Students who have taken at least 21 credits (nearly 60 ECTS credits) of the courses in the undergraduate program and who have successfully completed all of them, have at least 70 GPA out of 100 and successfully defended their thesis in front of a chosen jury. The students are awarded a master's degree.


Doctorate: Students who have successfully completed at least 21 credits (nearly 60 ECTS credits) from the courses in the undergraduate program and who have successfully completed all of them, who have at least 75 GPAs out of 100 and who have successfully defended their thesis in front of a chosen jury. doctorate degree.


Program Profile

The duration of education is four years except for one year of English preparatory class. Students who do not have English proficiency must attend a one-year English preparatory program in the department of foreign languages. Some of the departmental courses are in English. The educational program of our department has been organized to train modern mathematicians who can follow the developments in modern mathematics. In the first four semesters (first two years), all departmental students take courses such as General Mathematics, Analysis, Topology, Differential Equations, Abstract Mathematics and Computer Science. Students choose one of the three options at the end of the fourth semester. These are,

Theoretical Mathematics Weighted Mathematics,

Applied Mathematics Weighted Mathematics and

Computer Science Weighted Mathematics.

In the third and fourth years (from the fifth period) each option has elective and compulsory courses in itself.

1. Theoretical Mathematics Weighted Mathematics

Pure mathematics often waits to be discovered in one corner. For hundreds of years, a theory that is accepted as pure mathematics comes at such a moment; it is used to make the mathematical model of quantum mechanics such as matrix theory, or becomes indispensable to modern physics such as group theory, or curvilinear geometry developed by pure mathematicians such as Riemann, Gauss, Lobachevski, is the most needed tool to explain Einstein's theory of relativity.
Theoretical mathematics option has courses given by the following sub-departments.
  • Geometry
  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Topology
  • Analysis and Theory of Functions
  • Fundamentals of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic
Our graduates can work as
  • Mathematics teacher by training;
  • Starting his graduate education,
  • Analyst, Financier in banks or private institutions;
  • Kpss through TÜİK, PTT, DPT in institutions such as civil servants


2. Applied Mathematics Weighted Mathematics
In general, interdisciplinary work is provided due to the development of techniques used in the application of mathematics in other fields.
There are many projects carried out, especially  TUBITAK Research and Development (R & D) projects. Collaboration with different disciplines such as Industrial Engineering, Textile Engineering, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy, Business Administration, Economics and Econometrics, where mathematics applications require teamwork, is conducted in both research and practice.
Graduated students can work as
  • Assistant banking specialist, financial analyst, accountant
  • Research assistant, lecturer and faculty member in mathematics, applied mathematics departments and institutes of universities
  • Assistant Operations Specialist in Overseas Insurance Companies
  • Teachers in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education
  • State Institute of Statistics, State Planning Organization Research Centers, public officials in institutions such as Turkey Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
3. Computer Science Weighted Mathematics
For the information and data, it is needed to
  • store / process / convert,
  • display / transmit in different electronic media,
the algorithms and solution methods developed for these calculations and their 
  • applicability,
  • automation and
  • computer computing limits
needs to be examined. Computer science is the field which deals with all these theoretical and practical approaches.
Many theorems proved in mathematics are used in computer science and technological developments naturally.
In order to understand, analyze, model and solve the complex problems of today's developing and changing global business and social life, it has become inevitable to have knowledge of Mathematics and Computer. In today's world where knowledge and science rapidly gain value and shape the world of technology, industry and finance;
  • assimilate the basic concepts of theoretical mathematics
  • to be able to apply current computer programming languages ​​effectively
it is a requirement for both those who wish to pursue research in interdisciplinary academic fields and those who seek professional business life.
Computer Science,
  • Find and develop effective and effective calculation methods for solving complex problems and difficult tasks.
  • Designs and adapts the most suitable algorithms and software for today's problems
  • Develops new methods and approaches in the use of computer and information technologies.
Computer Science is also used actively in
  • Natural language processing
  • Data mining
  • Optimization
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Intelligent Decision-Support Systems
  • Bioinformatics
A student who graduated from this option has the 
  • Ability to develop software in C and C # languages
  • Knowledge of database management,
  • Ability to use use object oriented programming approach,
  • Knowledgeable about accountability
  • Capacity of developing new mathematical methods / algorithms / software for difficult and complex problems in industry or academy
Our graduates can work as 
  • In the IT and planning departments of companies,
  • As an expert in institutions such as TÜİK, PTT, DPT (through KPSS)
  • Companies specializing in programming, system analysis, technical support, web design and software
  • Banking and insurance industry
  • Exchange, financial and capital market intermediary institutions
  • As an academician in universities;
  • Math Teacher in Schools (Formation training)


Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Our graduates can be appointed as a mathematics teacher by MEB or they can work as a mathematics teacher in private and private schools if they have the required score from the KPSS and they have the formation. They may have various positions in the IT sector. Candidates who continue their graduate education may work as researchers or academicians in universities or in various institutions.


Transition to Graduate Programs

Candidates who have successfully completed their undergraduate studies can study in master's / doctoral programs provided that they have a valid score from ALES and have sufficient knowledge of English.


Departmental Facilities

In our department, 13 professors, 12 associate professors, 4 assistant professors, 4 lecturer, and 9 research assistants, approximately 1000 students.


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